Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Script ile bilgisayardaki IP ve MAC adreslerini listelemek

Asagidaki scripti kullanarak bilgisayarinizdaki tum network kartlari icin atanmis IP adreslerini listeleyebilirsiniz. Scripti calistirdiginizda size IP ve adreslerinizi sirayla gosterecektir.
strComputer = "."

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "rootcimv2")

Set IPConfigSet = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled=TRUE")

For Each IPConfig in IPConfigSet
If Not IsNull(IPConfig.IPAddress) Then
For i=LBound(IPConfig.IPAddress) to UBound(IPConfig.IPAddress)
WScript.Echo IPConfig.IPAddress(i)
End If

Vb_showIp Vb_showMac

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

HP Quick Launch Button Uygulama ve Surucusunu MDT ile sessizce kurmak

1. Suruce ve uygulama paketini HP'den indirin, benim kullandigim versiyon SP44777.exe
2. Paketi bir klasore acin WinRar ile : C:HPQLBD
3. CMD acip C:HPQLBD klasorune girin
3. setup.exe -r -f1"c:setup.iss" komutunu calistirip uygulamayi kurun
4. Eger uygulama calistiginiz bilgisayar uzerinde lazim degil ise kaldirin.
5. Yarattiginiz C:setup.iss dosyasini to C:HPQLBD klasorune kopyalayin, uzerine yazma islemini onaylayin.
6. Dosyayi WinRAR ile RAR layin.
7. RAR dosyanizi acip ToolsConvert Archive to SFX i secin.
8. Advanced SFX Options i secin.
9. Run after extraction kismina setup.exe -s yazin.
2009-10-07 16.00-01
10.Modes TAB : Unpack to temporary folder box'unu ve Hide all button'i secin.
11. OK'e basin ve Winrar'i kapatin.
2009-10-07 16.04-02
12.Hazir, simdi uygulamayi MDT de Application olarak yaratabilirsiniz, Silent Installation Command kismina yarattiginiz sfx rar uygulama adini yazmaniz yeterli olacaktir.
2009-10-07 16.05-03

Friday, 22 October 2010

Script ile yuklu programlari listelemek

Merhaba asagidaki script ile bir bilgisayarda kurulu uygulamalari Windows Installer i kullanarak cekebilirsiniz, script te de goreceginiz gibi , cikti c:\software.tsv dosyasina Tab bosluklu kolon formatinda yazilmaktadir.

objSoftware parametrelerinden size gerekmeyenleri iptal ederek daha az bilgi alabilir, scriptte bilgisayara baglanma guvenlik ayarini degistirerek ve strComputer degiskenini bir listeden okuyup dondurerek bir den fazla uzak bilgisayardan bu bilgiyi cekebilirsiniz de biraz degisiklikle.
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("c:\software.tsv", True)

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colSoftware = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Product")

objTextFile.WriteLine "Caption" & vbtab & _
"Description" & vbtab & "Identifying Number" & vbtab & _
"Install Date" & vbtab & "Install Location" & vbtab & _
"Install State" & vbtab & "Name" & vbtab & _
"Package Cache" & vbtab & "SKU Number" & vbtab & "Vendor" & vbtab _
& "Version"

For Each objSoftware in colSoftware
objTextFile.WriteLine objSoftware.Caption & vbtab & _
objSoftware.Description & vbtab & _
objSoftware.IdentifyingNumber & vbtab & _
objSoftware.InstallDate2 & vbtab & _
objSoftware.InstallLocation & vbtab & _
objSoftware.InstallState & vbtab & _
objSoftware.Name & vbtab & _
objSoftware.PackageCache & vbtab & _
objSoftware.SKUNumber & vbtab & _
objSoftware.Vendor & vbtab & _

Bu ve benzeri daha fazla script e ulasmak icin Microsoft Script Center sitesini tavsiye ederim.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

MDT Properties

Properties that can be overwritten (last value wins) and are automatically set by the BDD scripts
Property IDTypeOverwrite ?Description
DeployRootstringTRUEThe UNC path to the deployment share
ResourceRootstringTRUEThe UNC path to resources (drivers, packages) kept separate from the deployment share
DeployDrivestringTRUEThe drive letter mapped to the deployment share (Lite Touch only)
ResourceDrivestringTRUEThe drive letter mapped to resources (drivers, packages) kept separate from the deployment share (Lite Touch only)
DeploymentMethodstringTRUEThe method being used for the deployment (NETWORK, MEDIA, OSD, etc.)
DeploymentTypestringTRUEThe type of deployment (NEWCOMPUTER, REFRESH, REPLACE, UPGRADE) being performed
DeploySystemDrivestringTRUEThe drive (e.g. C:) that Windows should be deployed to
DestinationDiskstringTRUEDisk Number that the image will be deployed to
DestinationPartitionstringTRUEDisk Partition that the image will be deployed to
DestinationLogicalDrivestringTRUELogical Drive that the image will be deployed to
DestinationVariablestringTRUEVariable that contains the logical drive that the image will be deployed to
Properties that cannot be overwritten (first value wins)
Property IDTypeOverwrite ?Description
UserIDstringFALSEUser ID used for connecting to network paths
UserDomainstringFALSEDomain for the user ID used to connect to network paths
UserPasswordstringFALSEPassword for the user ID used to connect to network paths
UDSharestringFALSEUser data share used for capturing user state to a network path
UDDirstringFALSEDirectory on the user data share where user state should be placed
UDProfilesstringFALSEList of profiles that should be captured by USMT as part of the user state
SLSharestringFALSEScript log share where all BDD scripts should be copied at the end of the deployment process
EventSharestringFALSEEvent share UNC where all BDD scripts should write events for MOM management pack
OSInstallstringFALSEFlag to indicate whether this machine is authorized for an OS deployment (if set, it must be YES or Y to proceed)
ComputerNamestringFALSEThe new computer name to assign to the computer
OSDComputerNamestringFALSEThe new computer name to assign to the computer (used with ConfigMgr)
Home_PagestringFALSEThe Internet Explorer home page that should be used on the computer
JoinDomainstringFALSEThe name of the domain that should be joined (do not set if using JoinWorkgroup)
JoinWorkgroupstringFALSEThe name of the Workgroup that should be joined (do not set if using JoinDomain)
DomainAdminstringFALSEAccount used to join to Domain (may be in 'Domain\UserName' or '' format)
DomainAdminDomainstringFALSEDomain of Account used to join to Domain (Vista Only, must be blank if 'DomainAdmin' conains domain)
DomainAdminPasswordstringFALSEPassword of Account used to join to Domain
MachineObjectOUstringFALSEThe OU that should be used when the computer is joined to the domain (only if the computer account does not already exist)
OSDINSTALLSILENTstringFALSEOSD flag to indicate that no OSD new computer wizard should be displayed
OSDINSTALLPACKAGEstringFALSEOSD variable to indicate which SMS OSD package should be installed (only used for new computer)
OSDINSTALLPROGRAMstringFALSEOSD variable to indicate which program should be used for the specified OSD package (only used for new computer)
OSDNEWMACHINENAMEstringFALSEOSD variable that specifies the computer name that should be assigned (only used for new computer)
ScanStateArgsstringFALSECommand line arguments that should be added to the USMT Scanstate command line
LoadStateArgsstringFALSECommand line arguments that should be added to the USMT Loadstate command line
ComputerBackupLocationstringFALSESpecifies where the computer backup should be stored (AUTO, NETWORK, NONE, specific path, default is AUTO)
BackupSharestringFALSENetwork share (UNC) where the computer backup should be stored
BackupDirstringFALSEDirectory on the network share where the computer backup should be stored
BackupDrivestringFALSEDrive to include in the backup (defaults to the drive with disk 0 partition 1, can be set to ALL)
UserDataLocationstringFALSEFull path to the USMT user state store that should be restored onto a particular machine
DoCapturestringFALSEFlag to indicate that the machine should be Sysprepped and captured as a new WIM image
ProductKeystringFALSEProduct key string that should be inserted into unattend.xml, sysprep.inf, or unattend.txt
OverrideProductKeystringFALSEMultiple activation key (MAK) that should be applied after Windows Vista is deployed
WDSServerstringFALSEName of the WDS server that should be used when installing WDS images (default is the server that contains the original image)
CaptureGroupsstringFALSESpecifies whether to capture the local group membership from the machine (default is YES; ALL can also be specified)
AdminPasswordstringFALSESpecifies the local administrator password to assign (default is to use existing value)
OrgNamestringFALSESpecifies the organization name (default is none)
FullNamestringFALSESpecifies the full name (default is none)
TimeZonestringFALSETimeZone Identifier for Windows XP Builds (example: PST = 004 )
TimeZoneNamestringFALSETimeZone Identifier for Windows Vista Builds (example: PST = 'Pacific Standard Time')
TaskSequenceIDstringFALSETaskSequence ID used to automate LTI/ZTI build selection (default is blank)
BuildIDstringFALSEBuild ID used to automate LTI/ZTI build selection (default is blank)
InputLocalestringFALSELocale used for Keyboard, (XP only, example: 0409:00000409, default is OS Default)
KeyboardLocalestringFALSELocale used for Keyboard, can be either 0409:00000409 or en-US format (default is OS Default)
UserLocalestringFALSELocale used for user when logged in, en-US format (default is OS Default)
UILanguagestringFALSEDefault Locale used for OS before user is logged in, en-US format (default is OS Default)
XresolutionstringFALSEThe Horizontal Resolution of the screen (example: 1024, default is OS Default)
YresolutionstringFALSEThe Vertical Resolution of the screen (example: 768, default is OS Default)
BitsPerPelstringFALSEThe Color Depth of the screen in Bits Per Pixel (example: 32, default is OS Default)
VrefreshstringFALSEThe vertical Refresh rate of the monitor in Hz (example: 60, default is OS Default)
AreaCodestringFALSEArea code for the computer's location.
CountryCodestringFALSECountry/region code to use for telephony.
LongDistanceAccessstringFALSENumber to dial to gain access to an outside line, such as 9.
DialingstringFALSEType of dialing to use for the telephony device in the computer, such as 'Tone' or 'Pulse' (XP only).
OSDBitLockerModestringFALSESpecifies the type of BDE install. (KEY|TPMKey|TPMPin|TPM)
BdeInstallSuppressstringFALSEBoolean to indicate whether a BDE Install should be attempted.
BdeInstallstringFALSE(Deprecated) Specifies the type of BDE install. (KEY|TPMKey|TPMPin|TPM)
OSDBitLockerTargetDrivestringFALSESpecifies the drive to be encrypted (default OS Drive)
OSDBitLockerStartupKeyDrivestringFALSESpecifies the location of Key files (Drive)
BdeKeyLocationstringFALSE(Deprecated) Specifies the location of Key files (Drive)
OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPasswordstringFALSEIndicates whether a recovery password should be generated for AD.
BdeRecoveryKeystringFALSE(Deprecated) Indicates whether a recovery password should be generated for AD.
OSDBitLockerWaitForEncryptionstringFALSEBoolean (any value) indicated whether process should be held to wait for drive encryption to complete.
BdeWaitForEncryptionstringFALSE(Deprecated) Boolean (any value) indicated whether process should be held to wait for drive encryption to complete.
BdeDriveLetterstringFALSEDrive Letter for BDE partition (default S:)
BdeDriveSizestringFALSEDrive size for BDE partition (default 2048MB)
BdePinstringFALSEBdePin for TPMPin (numeric only)
WinREInstallstringFALSEInstall Windows Recovery Environment.
WinREDriveLetterstringFALSEDrive Letter for BDE partition (default R:)
WinREDriveSizestringFALSEDrive size for BDE partition (default 10000MB)
TpmOwnerPasswordstringFALSESpecifies the TPM Password for setting Ownership
OSDBitLockerRecoveryPasswordstringFALSESpecifies the password to use for BDE Password scenarios
OSDBitLockerStartupKeystringFALSESpecifies the value to use for startup key.
OSDMPstringFALSEOSD variable to indicate which SMS management point should be used (only needed for new computer)
OSDSITECODEstringFALSEOSD variable to indicate which SMS site code should be used (only needed for new computer)
ServerAstringFALSEServer name to be used during the deployment process
ServerBstringFALSEServer name to be used during the deployment process
ServerCstringFALSEServer name to be used during the deployment process
USMTConfigFilestringFALSEUSMT configuration XML file that should be used when running Scanstate and Loadstate
WipeDiskstringFALSESpecifies whether the disk should be wiped.
_SMSTSORGNAMEstringFALSECustomizes the Task Sequencer engine's display banner.
WsusServerstringFALSEThe URL of the WSUS server that should be used (optional, will use Windows Update or policyt settings by default)
Wizard control variables (first value wins)
Property IDTypeOverwrite ?Description
SkipWizardstringFALSEFlag to skip the deployment wizard altogether (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipCapturestringFALSEFlag to skip the capture of an image (if set to YES, default is YES)
SkipAdminPasswordstringFALSEFlag to skip the Administrator User Account Password wizard page(if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipApplicationsstringFALSEFlag to skip the wizard pane that asks for applications to be installed (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipAppsOnUpgradestringFALSEFlag to skip the wizard pane that asks for apps to be installed only for upgrades (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipComputerBackupstringFALSEFlag to skip the computer backup wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipDomainMembershipstringFALSEFlag to skip the domain membership wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipComputerNamestringFALSEFlag to skip the Computer Name wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipDeploymentTypestringFALSEFlag to skip the initial deployment type wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipUserDatastringFALSEFlag to skip the user data wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipPackageDisplaystringFALSEFlag to skip the packages (language packs) wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipLocaleSelectionstringFALSEFlag to skip the locale selection wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipProductKeystringFALSEFlag to skip the product key wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipSummarystringFALSEFlag to skip the final wizard summary screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipFinalSummarystringFALSEFlag to skip the Summary_Definition_XXX.xml screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipBDDWelcomestringFALSEFlag to skip the BDD Welcome screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipTimeZonestringFALSEFlag to skip the TimeZone screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipTaskSequencestringFALSEFlag to skip the Task Sequence (OS Selection) screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipBuildstringFALSEFlag to skip the Build (OS Selection) screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipBitLockerstringFALSEFlag to skip the BitLocker (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipBitLockerDetailsstringFALSEFlag to skip BitLocker details screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
Action Properties (commonly defined within Management Console)
Property IDTypeOverwrite ?Description
OSDAdapterCountstringFALSENumber of Adapters defined here( either blank, 0 or 1)
OSDAdapter0NamestringFALSEIf present, match all settings to the adapter with this name.
OSDAdapter0MacAddressstringFALSEIf present, match all settings to the adapter with this MAC address.
OSDAdapter0EnableDHCPstringFALSEIf false, will disable DHCP, otherwise True (true if blank).
OSDAdapter0IPAddressListstringFALSEComma delimited list of IPAddress Lists
OSDAdapter0SubnetMaskstringFALSEComma delimited list of Subnet masks
OSDAdapter0GatewaysstringFALSEComma delimited list of Gateway cost metrics
OSDAdapter0GatewayCostMetricstringFALSEComma delimited list of Gateway Cost MEtrics as either integers, or the string 'Automatic' (if empty, uses automatic)
OSDAdapter0DNSServerListstringFALSEComma delimited list of DNS Servers
OSDAdapter0DNSSuffixstringFALSEDNS Suffix, example
OSDAdapter0EnableDNSRegistrationstringFALSETrue/False to enable FULL DNS registration.
OSDAdapter0EnableFullDNSRegistrationstringFALSETrue/False to enalbe DNS Registration
OSDAdapter0EnableLMHOSTSstringFALSETrue/False to enable LMHosts
OSDAdapter0EnableWINSstringFALSETrue/False to enable WINS
OSDAdapter0TcpipNetbiosOptionsstringFALSENetBIOS OPtions 1 or 0
OSDAdapter0WINSServerListstringFALSEComma delimited list of WINS Servers
OSDAdapter0EnableTCPIPFilteringstringFALSETrue/False to enable TCP/IP Filtering.
OSDAdapter0TCPFilterPortListstringFALSEComma delimited list of TCP Filters
OSDAdapter0UDPFilterPortListstringFALSEComma delimited list of IDP Filters
OSDAdapter0IPProtocolFilterListstringFALSEComma delimited list of IP Protocol FIlters
OSDDiskIndexstringFALSEDisk index used for Partitioning (Default is 0)
OSDPartitionsstringFALSENumber of Partitions listed here (Default is None, max of 2, use Default configuration)
OSDPartitions0TYPEstringFALSEType of partition (Default: Primary, can be Logical or extended)
OSDPartitions0FILESYSTEMstringFALSEType of File System (Default: NTFS, can be FAT32)
OSDPartitions0BOOTABLEstringFALSETrue/False - Is the partition bootalbe (default: True if 1st partition)
OSDPartitions0QUICKFORMATstringFALSETrue/False - Shall the format be quick (default: True)
OSDPartitions0VOLUMENAMEstringFALSEVolume name
OSDPartitions0SIZEstringFALSESize of partition
OSDPartitions0SIZEUNITSstringFALSESize units of partition (default: MB, can be GB or %)
OSDPartitions0VOLUMELETTERVARIABLEstringFALSEVariable Name to receive DriveLetter
OSDPartitions1TYPEstringFALSEType of partition (Default: Primary, can be Logical or extended)
OSDPartitions1FILESYSTEMstringFALSEType of File System (Default: NTFS, can be FAT32)
OSDPartitions1BOOTABLEstringFALSETrue/False - Is the partition bootalbe (default: True if 1st partition)
OSDPartitions1QUICKFORMATstringFALSETrue/False - Shall the format be quick (default: True)
OSDPartitions1VOLUMENAMEstringFALSEVolume name
OSDPartitions1SIZEstringFALSESize of partition
OSDPartitions1SIZEUNITSstringFALSESize units of partition (default: MB, can be GB or %)
OSDPartitions1VOLUMELETTERVARIABLEstringFALSEVariable Name to receive DriveLetter
Property IDTypeOverwrite ?Description
OSRolesstringFALSEComma-delimited list of role IDs to be installed
OSRoleServicestringFALSEComma-delimited list of role service IDs to be installed
OSFeaturesstringFALSEComma-delimited list of features to be installed
Configure ADDS
Property IDTypeOverwrite ?Description
ReplicaOrNewDomainstringFALSEChooses whether the domain controller will be a replica or part of a new domain
NewDomainstringFALSEChoice between a new forest or new domain in an existing tree or a new domain in a new tree
NewDomainDNSNamestringFALSEDNS domain name of new domain
ParentDomainDNSNamestringFALSEParent DNS domain
ReplicaDomainDNSNamestringFALSEReplica DNS domain
ChildNamestringFALSEName of child domain
DomainNetBiosNamestringFALSENetBios Name
ForestLevelstringFALSEForest Level
DomainLevelstringFALSEDomain functional level
AutoConfigDNSstringFALSEChooses to auto configure DNS
ConfirmGCstringFALSEChooses whether to Confirm communication to GC
CriticalReplicationOnlystringFALSEChooses to only replicate critical information
ADDSUserNamestringFALSEUsername chosen to run dcpromo
ADDSUserDomainstringFALSEDomain for user chosen to run dcpromo
ADDSPasswordstringFALSEPassword for user chosen to run dcpromo
ReplicationSourceDCstringFALSEDC used to replicate content
DatabasePathstringFALSEPath to store the AD database
LogPathstringFALSEPath to store the AD database logs
SysVolPathstringFALSEPath to store the SYSVOL
SafeModeAdminPasswordstringFALSEPassword used for safemode recovery
SiteNamestringFALSEAD SiteName
Configure DHCP
Property IDTypeOverwrite ?Description
DHCPServerOptionRouterstringFALSERouters for the DHCP Server Option
DHCPServerOptionDNSServerstringFALSEDNS Server for the DHCP Server Option
DHCPServerOptionWINSServerstringFALSEWINS Server for the DHCP Server Option
DHCPServerOptionDNSDomainstringFALSEDNS domain for the DHCP Server Option
DHCPServerOptionNBTNodeTypestringFALSENBT NodeType for the DHCP Server Option
DHCPServerOptionPXEClientstringFALSEPXE Client option for the DHCP Server Option
DHCPScopesstringFALSENumber of DHCP Scopes to Configure
DHCPScopes0SubnetMaskstringFALSESubnet mask for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0IPstringFALSEIP Subnet for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0NamestringFALSEName for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0DescriptionstringFALSEDescription for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0StartIPstringFALSEStarting IP address the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0EndIPstringFALSEEnding IP for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0ExcludeStartIPstringFALSEStart of the excluding IP range for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0ExcludeEndIPstringFALSEEnd of the excluding IP range for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionRouterstringFALSERouter of the excluding IP range for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionDNSServerstringFALSEDNS Server for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionWINSServerstringFALSEWINS Server for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionDNSDomainNamestringFALSEDNS Domain Name for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionNBTNodeTypestringFALSENBT Node Type for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionLeasestringFALSELease Duration for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionPXEClientstringFALSEPXE Client for the first DHCP Scope
Authorize DHCP
Property IDTypeOverwrite ?Description
UserNamestringFALSEUsername used to authorize DHCP
PasswordstringFALSEPassword used to authorize DHCP
Configure DNS
Property IDTypeOverwrite ?Description
DNSZonesstringFALSENumber of DNS Zones to Configure
DNSZones0NamestringFALSEName of the first DNS Zone
DNSZones0TypestringFALSEType of Zone
DNSZones0MasterIPstringFALSEPrimary IP for the zone
DNSZones0DirectoryPartitionstringFALSEAD Partition to store the zone
DNSZones0FileNamestringFALSEFile Name of the first DNS Zone
DNSZones0ScavengestringFALSEEnables scavenging
DNSZones0UpdatestringFALSEEnables dynamic updates
DNSServerOptionDisableRecursionstringFALSEDisables recursion on the DNS server
DNSServerOptionBINDSecondariesstringFALSEAllows BIND secondaries
DNSServerOptionFailOnLoadstringFALSEToggles fail on load
DNSServerOptionEnableRoundRobinstringFALSEEnables Round Robin
DNSServerOptionEnableNetmaskOrderingstringFALSEEnables netmask ordering
DNSServerOptionEnableSecureCachestringFALSEEnables cache security
DNSServerOptionNameCheckFlagstringFALSEName Check Flag
Configure WINS
Property IDTypeOverwrite ?Description
WINSPartnersstringFALSENumber of WINS Partners to Configure
WINSPartners0NamestringFALSEName of the first WINS partner
WINSPartners0TypestringFALSEType of the WINS partner
WINSPartners0IPstringFALSEIP address of the first WINS partner
Values used for SCCM Scenarios
Property IDTypeOverwrite ?Description
OSDImageIndexstringFALSEIndex of installation image within WIM (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDInstallEditionIndexstringFALSEIndex of installation image within WIM (Used for OEM Scenario).
ConfigFileNamestringFALSEFilename of config file (example: unattend.xml (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDAnswerFilePathstringFALSEpath for answer file (example: c:\unattend.xml) (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDImageCreatorstringFALSEUser ID of installation account (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDInstallTypestringFALSEInstallation Type (example: SysPrep ) (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDTargetSystemDrivestringFALSEDisk Drive used to install OS (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDTargetSystemRootstringFALSEInstall path for OS (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDiskstringFALSEDisk drive used to install OS, typically written by ZTIDiskPart.wsf (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSVersionNumberstringFALSEOS Major and Minor version number (example: 6.0) (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSArchitecturestringFALSEOS CPU Architecture Type (example: x86 or x64) (Used for OEM Scenario).
ImagePackageIDstringFALSEPackage ID for the OS image to install (Used for OEM Scenario).
InstallPackageIDstringFALSEPackage ID for the OS image to install (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDImagePackageIDstringFALSEPackage ID for the OS image to install (Used for OEM Scenario).
ConfigFilePackagestringFALSEPackage ID for the Configuration Package to use for installation (Used for OEM Scenario).
Property IDTypeOverwrite ?Description
PackageslistList of SMS packages that should be installed
ApplicationslistList of applications (GUIDs) that should be installed
MandatoryApplicationslistList of applications (GUIDs) that will be installed
AdministratorslistList of groups and users to add to the Administrators group
PowerUserslistList of groups and users to add to the Power Users group
DriverPathslistDriver path UNCs that should be used (no default)
DriverGrouplistDriver groups that should be used (default is All Drivers)
StorageDriverGrouplistStorage Driver groups that should be used for XP/2003 (default is All Drivers)
StorageDriverSysPrepGrouplistStorage Driver groups that should be used XP/2003 during SysPrep (default is All Drivers)
DomainOUslistOptional list of Domain OU's to be displayed to users.
USMTMigFileslistFALSEUSMT XML files that should be used when running Scanstate and Loadstate
GroupslistFALSEList of local security groups to capture and restore (default is 'Administrators' and 'Power Users')
LanguagePackslistList of language packs (GUIDs) to be installed
PackageGrouplistPackage groups that should be used (default is All Drivers)
RolelistFALSESpecifies roles that should be assigned to the computer
LocationlistFALSELocations for the computer (typicaly resolved via a database lookup based on the default gateway)
WUMU_ExcludeKBlistList of Windows Update/Microsoft Update patches to ignore (by associated KB Articles)
WUMU_ExcludeIDlistList of Windows Update/Microsoft Update patches to ignore (by associated Update ID)

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Netsh ile TCP/IP ayarlarinizi kaydetmek ve yuklemek.

Netsh.exe yi IP adresi, subnet mask, default gateway, dns ve wins adresleri TCP/IP ayarlarini yapmak icin kullanabilirsiniz, Netsh komut satirinda calisan bir arac olup, script yazarken kullanabileceginizden oturu oldukca kullanisli bir aractir. Ayni zamanda hem uzerinde calistigi hem de uzaktaki bir bilgisayarin TCP/IP konfigurasyonunu ayarlamak icinde kullanilabilir.

Asagida basit bir sekilde mevcut ag ayarlarinizi nasil yedeklebileceginiz ve gerektiginde nasil geri
yukleyebileceginiz ile ilgili bir ornek bulacaksiniz. Ornegin dizustu bir bilgisayariniz ve bu bilgisayari hem evde hem is yerinde kullaniyorsunuz, netsh yardimi ile asagida iki farkli lokasyonun IP ayarlarini yedekleyecegiz.

Bilgisayarinizda devamli kullandiginiz aglardan birinin ev digerinin ise isyeriniz oldugunu farzedelim, ve bu iki lokasyonda da calisan duzgun ag ayarlanizi ayri dosyalara yedekleyelim.

Ilk olarak bilgisayarimizin ev agimiza bagli oldugunu ve arzuladigimiz sekilde calistigini varsayarak mevcut konfigurasyonun yedegini asagidaki sekilde alalim.

Daha sonra ayni komutla mevcut is yerimizdeki konfigurasyonumuzuda diledigimiz bir isimle kaydedelim


Bundan sonra bu konfigurasyon ayarlarini katdettigimiz lokasyonlar arasinda yer degistirdigimizde sadece bulundugumuz yerin daha once kaydettigimiz ayarlarini asagidaki sekilde geri yukleyerek, rahatca TCP/IP ayarlarimizi yapabiliriz, hatta isterseniz, geri yukleme komutlari icin birer kisayol yaratip bu isi daha da kolaylastirabilirsiniz.


Thursday, 7 October 2010

How to install HP Quick Launch Button Application and Driver silently via MDT

1. Download the driver pack from HP, the version I used is SP44777.exe
2. Extract the package to a folder, e.g : C:HPQLBD
3. Run CMD and CD to C:HPQLBD
3. Run setup.exe -r -f1"c:setup.iss" and install the application as you wish
4. Uninstall the application if you don't need on your work computer.
5. Copy the newly generated C:setup.iss file to C:HPQLBD folder, confirm to overwrite the old one.
6. Compress the folder with WinRAR
7. Open the .RAR file with WinRAR and select ToolsConvert Archive to SFX
8. Select Advanced SFX Options
9. Write setup.exe -s to Run after extraction section
2009-10-07 16.00-01
10.Modes TAB : Select Unpack to temporary folder box, and Hide all button.
11.Select OK, and close Winrar.
2009-10-07 16.04-02
12.Ready, create the application on MDT , use just your sfx rar package name as silent installation command.
2009-10-07 16.00-01

Sunday, 15 August 2010

SMS/SCCM de Notebooklari filtrelemek

Merhaba, uzerinde calistigim deployment projesinde az once ihtiyacim olunca buldugum bilgileri sizlerle paylasmak istedim, yeni kurulmus tum sistemlerin icinde diz ustu bilgisayarlari filtreleyip yeni bir collection yaratma ihtiyacim dogdu VPN clientlari otomatik yayabilmek icin, bunun icinde mevcut collection icinde kasa tipine gore filtrelemek aklima geldi, ancak SMS/SCCM de System Enclosure altindaki Chassis Type lar isimleri ile degilde asagidaki sekilde degerleri karsiligi rakamlar ile belirtildiginden degerlerin neye denk geldigini bulmam gerekti dogal olarak, burada bulunan degerler icin Microsoft'un hazirladigi listeye Identifying the Chassis Type of a Computer adresinden ulasabilirsiniz, nedir bilmiyorum ama listede Pizza Box, Lunch Box gibi degisik tiplere de rastlamak mumkun :) .

Degeri Tipi
1 Other
2 Unknown
3 Desktop
4 Low Profile Desktop
5 Pizza Box
6 Mini Tower
7 Tower
8 Portable
9 Laptop
10 Notebook
11 Hand Held
12 Docking Station
13 All in One
14 Sub Notebook
15 Space-Saving
16 Lunch Box
17 Main System Chassis
18 Expansion Chassis
19 Sub Chassis
20 Bus Expansion Chassis
21 Peripheral Chassis
22 Storage Chassis
23 Rack Mount Chassis
24 Sealed-Case PC


Monday, 5 July 2010

Script ile DHCP leaselerini serbest birakma

Merhaba, diyelim ki bir veya tum bilgisayarlarinizin DHCP den almis olduklari IP adreslerini serbest birakmak ihtiyaci duydunuz bu islemi asagidaki scripti direkt olarak veya dolayli yoldan Group Policy leri araciligi ile yapabilirsiniz.

On Error Resume Next

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set objNetworkSettings = objWMIService.Get("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")

Script ile ISA Server Cache'ini temizlemek

ISA Server'da Cache dosyasini temizlemek icin asagidaki basit script ten yararlanabilirsiniz, aslinda manual olarak yaptigimiz Firewall servisinin durdurulmasi , ardindan Cache dosyasinin silinmesi ve servisin yeniden baslatilmasindan farkli bir islem yapmamakta, ancak otomatize etmek icin duz bir batch dosyasindan daha faydali olacaktir surucu ismi statik olmadigi icin ve birden fazla dosyaniz var ise bulup temizleyebilecegi icin.

Unutmayinizki Firewall servisi bu islem sirasinda durdurulup yeniden baslatilacagi icin baglantilarinizda kesinti olacaktir.

Set root = CreateObject("FPC.Root")
Set server = root.GetContainingServer()
Set cacheDrives = server.CacheDrives
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each cacheDrive In cacheDrives
cacheFilePath = CacheDrive.Name & "\urlcache\Dir1.cdat"
WScript.echo "Cache dosyasinin yeri: " & cacheFilePath
fso.DeleteFile cacheFilePath
WScript.Echo "Cache icerigi temizlenmistir"

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

DNS Sunucusu Cache ini temizleme

DNS sunucunuzun cachelenmis kayitlarini temizlemek icin asagidaki scripti kullanabilir, bu islemi periyodik olarak uygulamak istiyorsaniz Scheduled Tasks yardimi yapabilirsiniz.

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & _

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From MicrosoftDNS_Cache")

For Each objItem in colItems

Saturday, 5 June 2010

User Profile Hive Cleanup Service nedir?

User Profile Hive Cleanup Service ( UPHClean ) siz bilgisayarinizi kapatma , yeniden baslatma veya oturum kapatma yolu ile oturumunuzu kapatirken profilinizin bellekten kaldirilmasi sirasinda cikan sorunlari gidermek icindir. Buna aslinda oturum acmis olan kulllanici profili ve haklari altinda calisan bazi sistem ve hizmet islemleri isleri bittiginde tutmus olduklari kaynaklari birakmamalari yuzunden sebep olurlar. Ornegin asagidaki hatalar ile karsilasabilirsiniz.

• A user profile does not unload.
• A roaming profile does not reconcile.
• You reach the registry size limit (RSL).
• You take a long time to log off, and you receive the following message:
Saving settings….
• Backups may not start. There are no errors in the Application log from the Backup program. However, if you see event ID 1524, the Backup has not run.

Veya event log da ,
Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Userenv
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1517
Windows saved user ComputerName\UserName registry while an application or service was still using the registry during log off. The memory used by the user's registry has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is no longer in use. This is caused by services running as a user account, try configuring the services to run in either the LocalService or NetworkService account.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Userenv
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1524 Description:
Windows cannot unload your classes registry file - it is still in use by other applications or services. The file will be unloaded when it is no longer in use.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Userenv
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1500
Windows cannot log you on because your profile cannot be loaded. Check that you are connected to the network, or that your network is functioning correctly. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator.
Access is denied
Windows 2000

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Userenv
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1000
Windows cannot unload your registry file. If you have a roaming profile, your settings are not replicated. Contact your administrator.
Access is denied

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Userenv
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1000
Windows cannot unload your registry class file. If you have a roaming profile, your settings are not replicated. Contact your administrator.
Details: -
Access is denied

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Userenv
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1000
Windows cannot log you on because the profile cannot be loaded. Contact your network administrator.

gibi kayitlarla, bu durumda ( User Profile Hive Cleanup Service ) UPHCLEAN i bilgisayariniza kurmaniz sorununuzu cozebilecektir, uygulama kurulum sonrasi yeniden baslatma islemine ihtiyac duymayacaktir.

UPHClean sisteminizde profilinizi ve kaynaklara erisim durumunu izleyerek profilinizin bellekten bosaltilma islemi gerektiginde bu islemin basarili sonuclanmasi icin gerekecek mudaheleleri yapacaktir.

Isterseniz UPHClean servisini sadece bu bosaltim islemini engelleyen prosesleri bulmak icinde kullanabilirsiniz, bunun icin regsitrydeki
kaydinin degerini 1 yapmaniz gerekecektir.

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\UPHClean\Parameters\ girince burada USER_EXCLUSION_LIST , PROCESS_EXCLUSION_LIST gibi parametreleri de goreceksiniz, ornegin raporlama.exe diye bir uygulamaniz var bu uygulamayi UPHClean in izlemesini istemiyorsaniz raporlama.exe seklinde PROCESS_EXCLUSION_LIST e ekleyebilirsiniz.

Veya belirlediginiz kullanicilar icin bu servisin pasif kalmasini diliyorsaniz, USER_EXCLUSION_LIST altinda bu kullanicilari DomainAdi\KullaniciGirisAdi seklinde belirtme sansina da sahipsiniz.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Unattended.txt icin Keyboard Layout Listesi

Bana BDD/MDT de Windows XP Build ozelliklerini konfigure etmek icin Unattended.txt i duzenlerken lazim oldu, sizlerlede asagidaki listeyi paylasmak istedim.

["Keyboard Layout"]
0000041C = "Albanian"
00000423 = "Belarusian"
00000813 = "Belgian Dutch"
0000080C = "Belgian French"
00000416 = "Brazilian (ABNT)"
00000402 = "Bulgarian"
00010402 = "Bulgarian Latin"
00001009 = "Canadian English (Multilingual)"
00000C0C = "Canadian French"
00010C0C = "Canadian French (Multilingual)"
0000041a = "Croatian"
00000405 = "Czech"
00010405 = "Czech (QWERTY)"
00000406 = "Danish"
00000413 = "Dutch"
00000425 = "Estonian"
0000040B = "Finnish"
0000040C = "French"
00000407 = "German"
00010407 = "German (IBM)"
00000408 = "Greek"
00050408 = "Greek Latin"
00010408 = "Greek (220)"
00030408 = "Greek (220) Latin"
00020408 = "Greek (319)"
00040408 = "Greek (319) Latin"
0000040E = "Hungarian"
0001040E = "Hungarian 101-key"
0000040F = "Icelandic"
00001809 = "Irish"
00000410 = "Italian"
00010410 = "Italian (142)"
0000080A = "Latin American"
00000426 = "Latvian"
00010426 = "Latvian (QWERTY)"
00000427 = "Lithuanian"
00000414 = "Norwegian"
00000415 = "Polish (Programmers)"
00010415 = "Polish (214)"
00000816 = "Portuguese"
00000418 = "Romanian"
00000419 = "Russian"
00010419 = "Russian (Typewriter)"
00000C1A = "Serbian Cyrillic"
00010C1A = "Serbian Latin"
0000041B = "Slovak"
0001041B = "Slovak (QWERTY)"
00000424 = "Slovenian"
0000040A = "Spanish"
0001040A = "Spanish variation"
0000041D = "Swedish"
0000100C = "Swiss French"
00000807 = "Swiss German"
0001041F = "Turkish F"
0000041F = "Turkish Q"
00000422 = "Ukrainian"
00000809 = "United Kingdom"
00000409 = "US"
00010409 = "US-Dvorak"
00030409 = "US-Dvorak for left hand"
00040409 = "US-Dvorak for right hand"
00020409 = "US-International"


Sunday, 25 April 2010

Script ile IP adresinin DHCP sunucudan alinmasini ayarlamak

Asagidaki vb scriptini kullanarak bilgisayarlarinizin IP adreslerini statik almalari yerine DHCP almalari icin konfigure edebilirsiniz. Dilerseniz bu scripti Group Policy ile belli bir OU da topladiginiz istemcilerinize yayarak Statik Ip yonetiminden Dinamige geciyorsaniz isinizi kolaylastirmak icin kullanabilirsiniz.

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colNetAdapters = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=TRUE")

For Each objNetAdapter In colNetAdapters
errEnable = objNetAdapter.EnableDHCP()

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Opening Command Prompt during GUI Setup

I needed that while I am preparing my images with BDD/MDT, it is very simple but very very useful hot-key, to open command prompt during GUI mode setup just press Shift+F10.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Opening a website in default browser from command prompt

If you need to open a website in your default browser by using command prompt, you can use the commands below, my recommendation is using the first command with rundll32, because explorer.exe called IE instead of default browser on some computers to open given URL.

rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler


Komut satirindan varsayilan browser ile web sayfasi acmak

Eger komut satirindan bilgisayarinizda kurulu olan browserlardan varsayilan olani ile bir web sayfasi cagirma ihtiyaciniz olursa, (az once bizim oldu) asagidaki komutlardan yararlanabilirsiniz, explorer.exe ile olanda bazi bilgisayarlarda halen IE yi cagirdigini gorduk o yuzden tavsiyem rundll32 ile olandir.

rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler


Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Script ile SMB calisirlik kontrolu yapmak

Asagidaki basit script ile SMB (Server Message Block) testi yapabilirsiniz.

Dim WshNetwork : Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
computerName = WshNetwork.ComputerName

Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim pipeName : pipeName = "\\" & computername & "\pipe\srvsvc"
wscript.echo pipeName

const ForAppending = 8

Dim objPipe : Set objPipe = objFSO.OpenTextFile(pipeName, ForAppending, True)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
wscript.echo "SMB ok"
wscript.echo "SMB failed"
End If
objPipe.WriteLine("SMB tested.")

Friday, 5 March 2010

Script ile WINS sunucusu bilgilerini ag kartinda ayarlama

Bilgisayarinizin ag ayarlariniza WINS sunucusu veya sunuculari eklemek istiyorsaniz asagidaki scripti kullanarak bunu rahatca yapabilirsiniz. strPrimaryServer ve strSecondaryServer degiskenlerini WINS sunucunuzun veya sunucularin IP adres bilgileri ile guncelleyiniz, sadece bir adet sunucunuz var ise strSecondaryServer server degiskenini ve SetWINSServer dan strSecondaryServer i kaldirabilirsiniz.
On Error Resume Next 
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colNetCards = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = True")
For Each objNetCard in colNetCards
strPrimaryServer = "" strSecondaryServer = "" objNetCard.SetWINSServer strPrimaryServer, strSecondaryServer

Script ile WINS sunucusu bilgilerini ag kartinda ayarlama

Bilgisayarinizin ag ayarlariniza WINS sunucusu veya sunuculari eklemek istiyorsaniz asagidaki scripti kullanarak bunu rahatca yapabilirsiniz. strPrimaryServer ve strSecondaryServer degiskenlerini WINS sunucunuzun veya sunucularin IP adres bilgileri ile guncelleyiniz, sadece bir adet sunucunuz var ise strSecondaryServer server degiskenini ve SetWINSServer dan strSecondaryServer i kaldirabilirsiniz.

On Error Resume Next

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colNetCards = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = True")

For Each objNetCard in colNetCards
strPrimaryServer = ""
strSecondaryServer = ""
objNetCard.SetWINSServer strPrimaryServer, strSecondaryServer

Monday, 22 February 2010

Bir OU icindeki tum kullanicilarin sifresini degistirme

Active Directory niz de ki bir Organizational Unit icerisindeki tum kullanicilarin sifrelerini degistirmek istiyorsaniz bu islemi asagidaki scripti kullanarak rahatca yapabilirsiniz.
oContainer satirindaki LDAP adresini kendi OU nuzu gosterecek sekilde yapmayi unutmayiniz.

Ornegin domain adiniz olsun Kullanicilar adinda bir OU nuz olsun ve bunun altinda Muhasebe adinda bir OU nuz var bu OU icindeki kullanicilarin sifrelerini degistirmek istiyorsunuz bu durumda asagidaki satiri "LDAP://OU=Muhasebe,OU=Kullanicilar,DC=Firmam,DC=com" seklinde degistirmeniz gerekecektir, deneme yapmaniz icin gecici bir OU ve icinde bir kullanici yaratip test etmenizi ayrica tavsiye ederim.

Dim oContainer
Set oContainer=GetObject("LDAP://OU=Ouname,DC=Domain,DC=com")
ModifyUsers oContainer
Set oContainer = Nothing
WScript.Echo "Finished"

Sub ModifyUsers(oObject)
Dim oUser
oObject.Filter = Array("user")
For Each oUser in oObject
oUser.SetPassword "YeniSifre1"
End Sub

Saturday, 6 February 2010

SMS ile paket yaratma

Bu yazimda SMS ile nasil paket ve program yaratilabilecegine deginecegim, daha sonraki yazilarimda ise bu yaratacagimiz paketi nasil Deploy edecegimize yani yayacagimiza, raporlarini nasil cekebilecegimize de deginecegim.

Anlatimlari yaparken bol bol screen capture kullanarak adim adim neler yapacagimizida gormenizi diliyorum. Ornek paket olarak SMS Advanced Client'a ait oldukca onemli bir Hotfix olan KB937882 hotfix paketini kullanacagiz, eger SMS Advanced Client kullaniyor ve clientlarinizda yavaslama yasiyorsaniz ve bunun sebebi wmiprsve.exe nin task manager da gozlemlediginizde %50 ye varan islemci kullanimi ise sizlerede asagidaki SMS Advanced Client guncellemesini yuklemenizi oneririm.

1. Oncelikle SMS yonetim konsolunu acip Packages kismina gelmeniz gerekmekte, sizlere tavsiyem Packages altinda bit hiyerarsi yaratmaniz olacaktir, ornegin
Applications , Patches, gibi ana klasorler altinda Office, Windows, Security vb. klasorleri daha sonra yaratacaginiz paketler icin gerekli klasorleri belli bir duzende olmasi icin agac yapisinda duzenlemeniz sizin icin faydali olacaktir.

Paketler kismina gelerek Yeni Paket secenegini secerek Package Properties penceresini aciniz.


2. Gelecek olan Package Properties penceresinde General Tab inda Name kismina paketinizin ismini yaziniz, eger varsa Version, Publisher ve Language gibi bilgileri de yazmanizda fayda var. Eger bu bilgileri ayri ayri yazacaksaniz , yazarken Name kisminin kendiliginden olustugunu farkedeceksiniz. Comment kismina dilediginiz aciklamalari ve unutmamaniz gereken notlari yazabilirsiniz, unutmayin ki uzun surecte kullanacaginiz bir sistem olacaginizdan gerek dokumantasyon gerekse notlarinizi kaybetmemelisiniz.


3. Data Source Tab'ina geldiginizde This Package contains source files secenegini seciniz bu secenegi secerek program icin gerekli kaynak dosyalarin oldugunu belirtmis olacaksiniz, normalde bu secenek secilmemis gelir cunku SMS paket icin Distribution Point kullanmamaktadir henuz. Bu secimi yaparak SMS in bu paket icin Distribution Point kullanacagini da belirtmis olursunuz.

Devaminda Set Source Directory secenegini secerek paketinizin bulundugu klasoru tanimlamalisiniz. Bu klasor hem SMS sunucunuzun lokalindeki bir klasor olabilir hem de bir network share deki klasor olabilir, bu ornekte SMS Advanced Client Patch i servis masasi elemanlari direkt SMS Client klasorunden de elle istemcilere yuklediklerinden ve patch kendini buraya yerlestirdiginden Network Share secili. Ben sahsen yaymakta oldugum tum paketleri SMS uzerinde ayri bir diskte SMS teki folder yapisina paralel bir yapida tutmakta oldugumdan Always obtain files from source directory secenegini kullaniyorum, ancak sizin program dosyalarinizin kaynagi gecici bir sure icin var olacak ise Use a compressed copy of the source directory secenegini secerek SMS in dosyalari alip compress ederek saklamasini saglayabilirsiniz. Ayrica Distribution Point lerinizin belli araliklarla guncellenmesini istiyorsaniz bunu da bu pencerede ayarlamaniz mumkun. Ancak siz kaynak klasordeki uygulamanizi devamli guncellemiyorsaniz bu isleme gerek duymayacaksinizdir. Sunu da belirtmekte fayda var ayni isimdeki bir kurulum dosyasini guncellemek yerine dosya isimlerini versiyonlandirmanizi tavsiye ederim , aksi takdirde tek bir dosya icin farkli versiyon numaralari tutacak olan SMS daha sonra is dagitima geldiginde onceki bir dagitima ait bir uygulamayi bulamadim veya dagitmak istedigim dosya degismis diyebilir.




4. Data access kisminda ise paketin Distribution Store larda nasil saklanacagini belirlemekteyiz, eger paketi SMS in default olarak yarattigi paylasimda tutacaksak varsayilan seklinde asagidaki gozuken secim sizin icin yeterli olacaktir, ama siz Distribution Pointlerde ayri bir ag paylasim klasoru yaratilmasini istiyorsaniz onu Share Distribution Folder secenegi secerek belirtebilirsiniz de. Ornek : \DPsunucuismiPackagesPatches


5. Islemi onayladiktan sonra Paketinizin yaratilmis oldugunu goreceksiniz, diger tablardaki ayrintilara farkli yazilarda yer verecegimden su an atliyorum , ancak ben yazmadan once bu bilgilere ihtiyaciniz olursa bana email yazabilirsiniz.


6. Simdi yayacagimiz programcigi yaratmamiz gerekmekte bunun icin asagida gozuktugu gibi paketimizin icinde New Program secenegini sececegiz.


7. Program Properties penceremiz acilinca burada programimizin istemci tarafinda nasil ve hangi komutla calistirilacagini ayarlayacagiz, screen capture da net gorunmeyen kisimlari yazi ile yazacagim.

Command Line : bilgisi sizin programinizin client da calistirilirken kullanilacak olan komutu belirler, su an hazirlamaya calistigimiz patch icin bu komut su sekilde olacak,
msiexec.exe /p SMS2003AC-SP3-KB937882-x86.msp /q REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=mous
msiexec ile ilgili parametreleri msiexec komutunu calistirarak gormeniz de mumkun.
Yukaridaki ornek te /p ile paketin install edilmesi , /q ile sessiz yapilmazi, mous ile parametrelerdeki m o u s paratmetrelerinin secili oldugu, yeniden kurulma icin tumu seceneginin secildigini gorebilirsiniz.



8. Bu ekran goruntusunde ise programin penceresinin hangi modda calisacagini Run kismindaki seceneklerden secebilirsiniz.

9. Programin kurulduktan sonra alinacak aksiyonlari secebilirsiniz, ornegin bilgisayarin yeniden baslatilmasi veya baslatilmamasi, kullaninicinin oturumunun sonlandirilmasi gibi. Ayrica Requirements kismindan gerek duyulan bos disk alani ve ne kadar sure kurulumun zaman asimina ugraycagini belirleyebilirsiniz. Hangi isletim sistemlerinde kurulumun calisacaginida ayarlayayabilirsiniz, bu ozellik cok faydalidir soyle ki, 32 ve 64 bit surumu olan bir uygulamayi bu secenegi konfigure ederek yaydiginizda 32bit istemcilerde sadece 32bit platformlar icin konfigure ettiginiz programin gozuktugunu veya calistigini goreceksiniz, aynisi 64bit icin de gecerli, boylece mimariye gore farkli koleksiyon yaratmadan basit bir sekilde yayma islemi yapabilirsiniz.

paketyaratma10 paketyaratma11

10. Environment tab'i ise programimizin hangi haklar ile hangi durumda calisacagini belirtmek icin kullandigimiz onemli bir tab Program can run : menusunde gorebileceginiz secenekler ile ;

  • Only when user is logged on : sadece kullanici oturum acmis durumda ise

  • Only when no user is logged on : sadece kullanici oturum acmamis durumda ise

  • Whether or not a user is logged on : kullanici oturum acmis durumda ise veya oturum acmamis durumda ise

programinizin hangi durumlarda kurulabilecegini secebilirsiniz, bu secenekler gercek cok onemli bir rolu ustleniyor cunku bu secenekler sayesinde programinizin oturum acmis kullanici haklari ile mi yoksa Software Installation Account kullanilarak mi, ya da Administrative haklarlarmi kurulacagini secebiliyorsunuz, yani dagitimi yaptiginiz istemcilerde kullanicilar lokal yonetim haklarina sahip degilseler bu secenekler sizin icin ktirik olacagi gibi uygulamanin Advertisement yerine Assignment yontemi ile dagitilmasi gerektiginde de onemli olacaktir.

Ornekte dagitmak icin tanimladigimiz uygulama bir patch oldugu icin burada Only when no user is logged on secenegini seciyoruz , boylece guncellemenin herhangi bir kullanici Windows'ta oturum acmadigi zamanlarda yuklenmesini istemis oluyoruz, halkar da ise Run with Administrative Rights secerek guncellemenin yonetici haklari ile istemcide calismasini saglamis oluyoruz.


11. Advanced tab'in da ise Run another program first secnegini kullanarak calistirmak uzere oldugumuz uygulamadan once calistirmak istedigimiz baska bir uygulama var ise onu tanimliyoruz. Tabii ki bu yine SMS uzerinde olusturdugumuz baska bir paket olmali , bu secenek te bazi durumlarda cok kullanisli olacaktir, ornegin kuracaginiz bir uygulamanin calismasi icin ayri bir programin kurulu olmasi gerektigi durumlarda veya hazirladiginiz custom bir msi paketini calistirmadan once calistirmak istediginiz bazi seyler var ise.

Ayrica When this program assigned to a computer secenegi ile egere programi assign yontemi ile yayiyorsaniz, o bilgisayar da bir keremi calissin gibi ayari menuden secebilirsiniz, ve Suppress program notifications secenegi ile de programin kurulurken bilgilendirme mesajlarini gostermemesini saglayabilirsiniz.

Ok ile program olusturma islemi tamamlandiginda artik bir kac kucuk ayara daha yaparak . yaymak icin Advertisement yaratmaniz gerekecek bir programiniz var.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Script ile mevcut proxy ayarlarini gormek

Merhaba, eger basit bir script ile bilgisayarinizin mevcut proxy ayarlarini gormek istiyorsaniz asagidaki scriptten faydalanabilirsiniz. Calistirdiginizda size proxy sunucunuzun adini, baglandiginiz port hakkinda bilgi verecektir.

On Error Resume Next

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Proxy")

For Each objItem in colItems
Wscript.Echo "Proxy Port Number: " & objItem.ProxyPortNumber
Wscript.Echo "Proxy Server: " & objItem.ProxyServer
Wscript.Echo "Server Name: " & objItem.ServerName

Friday, 8 January 2010

SMS 2003 Policy sini Client'da cekip, uygulamak

Doug Eby'nin yazdigi asagidaki script araciligi ile SMS Advanced Client (versiyon 2004) yuklu bir istemcinin SMS sunucunuzdan son kullanici policy i cekerek uygulamasini hizlandirabilirsiniz, ozellikle test asamasinda cok faydali olacagindan tavsiye ederim.

On Error Resume Next

Dim objCPAppletMgr
Dim objClientActions
Dim objClientAction
Dim strActionName
strActionName="Request & Evaluate User Policy"
set objCPAppletMgr = CreateObject("CPApplet.CPAppletMgr")
set objClientActions=objCPAppletMgr.GetClientActions
For Each objClientAction In objClientActions
If objClientAction.Name = strActionName Then
End If