You can optimize the performance of downloads by configuring BITS through Group Policy.
You can use to use Group Policy to configure network bandwidth that BITS uses.
Note : If you are going to change BITS bandwidth settings don't forget these settings are system wide, they are not application specific, so every application uses BITS will be affected. the BITS settings will affect BITS in any application.
To configure BITS bandwidth settings.
1.Run Group Policy Object Editor (Start>Run>gpedit.msc).
2.Browse Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Network>Background Intelligent Transfer Service.
3.Open the "Maximum network bandwidth that BITS uses (BITS 2.0)" or "Maximum network bandwidth for BITS background transfers (BITS 3.0)" setting.
4.Set the transfer rate in kbps that you want BITS to use (the default is 10).
5.Set the times at which you want to limit the bandwidth (the default is 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.).
6.Set the limitations to be used outside of the designated time (the default is Use all available unused bandwidth, but you may select another limitation).
7.Click OK.
Friday, 29 April 2011
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Script ile yuklenmis Hotfix updatelerini listelemek
Asagidaki scriptten faydalanarak bir bilgisayara yuklenmis yamalari rahatca listeleyebilirsiniz, script te biraz degisiklik yaparak script ile uzak bilgisayarlardan da bu bilgileri cekip bir veritabanina yada Excel ile acabileceginiz basit bir CSV dosyasina yazdirabilirsiniz, daha faza script icin Microsoft'un Script Center sitesini tavsiye ederim.
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colQuickFixes = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_QuickFixEngineering")
For Each objQuickFix in colQuickFixes
Wscript.Echo "Computer: " & objQuickFix.CSName
Wscript.Echo "Description: " & objQuickFix.Description
Wscript.Echo "Hot Fix ID: " & objQuickFix.HotFixID
Wscript.Echo "Installation Date: " & objQuickFix.InstallDate
Wscript.Echo "Installed By: " & objQuickFix.InstalledBy
SCCM Prerequisities Check'te Distribution point package version hatasi
Eger SCCM pre. checker'i calistirdiginizda "Distribution point package version; Warning; All distribution points in the site to be upgraded should have the latest version of software distribution packages before beginning the upgrade process." hatasi aliyorsaniz asagidaki SQL Query' sini SMS DB sinin bulundugu SQL sunucunuzda calistiriniz. Bold yapmis oldugum yere site code unuzu yazmayi unutmayiniz.
select distinct dps.ID, sitesys.ServerName, ip.IP_Addresses0 from SysResList as sitesys join System_DISC as sys on UPPER(sitesys.ServerName)=UPPER(sys.Netbios_Name0) join ( select dppkg.ID, dppkg.PkgServer from PkgStatus as dppkg join PkgStatus as sitepkg on dppkg.ID = sitepkg.ID where dppkg.Type = 2 and sitepkg.Type = 1 and dppkg.SourceVersion != sitepkg.SourceVersion) as dps on UPPER(dps.PkgServer) = UPPER(sitesys.NALPath) left join System_IP_Address_ARR as ip on sys.ItemKey = ip.ItemKey where sitesys.SiteCode = 'Your3characterSiteCode' and ip.IP_Addresses0 like '%.%.%.%'
Query size hangi paketlerde sorun oldugunu gosterecektir. O paketlerin durumunu System Status\Package Status'den kontrol etmeniz gerekmekte, sorun varsa distribution share ini Paket ayarlarindan kaldirip (remove) bir sure bekledikten sonra tekrar Query i calistiriniz, sonuc bos gelince dist. share'i tekrar listeye ekleyiniz (add).
select distinct dps.ID, sitesys.ServerName, ip.IP_Addresses0 from SysResList as sitesys join System_DISC as sys on UPPER(sitesys.ServerName)=UPPER(sys.Netbios_Name0) join ( select dppkg.ID, dppkg.PkgServer from PkgStatus as dppkg join PkgStatus as sitepkg on dppkg.ID = sitepkg.ID where dppkg.Type = 2 and sitepkg.Type = 1 and dppkg.SourceVersion != sitepkg.SourceVersion) as dps on UPPER(dps.PkgServer) = UPPER(sitesys.NALPath) left join System_IP_Address_ARR as ip on sys.ItemKey = ip.ItemKey where sitesys.SiteCode = 'Your3characterSiteCode' and ip.IP_Addresses0 like '%.%.%.%'
Query size hangi paketlerde sorun oldugunu gosterecektir. O paketlerin durumunu System Status\Package Status'den kontrol etmeniz gerekmekte, sorun varsa distribution share ini Paket ayarlarindan kaldirip (remove) bir sure bekledikten sonra tekrar Query i calistiriniz, sonuc bos gelince dist. share'i tekrar listeye ekleyiniz (add).
Friday, 8 April 2011
New Category for Developer Tools, Runtimes and Redistributables
A new product category will be added to your WSUS server under the Developer Tools, Runtimes and Redistributables family, entitled Visual Studio 2010. You will see this new category when new updates are available for this product.
You should sync the Developer Tools, Runtimes and Redistributables family if you have these products in your managed environment. For additional information about Visual Studio 2010 see:
WSUS'a yen kategori eklendi (Developer Tools, Runtimes and Redistributables)
WSUS'a Developer Tools, Runtimes and Redistributables ailesi kategorisi eklendi,
Visual Studio 2010 ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi icin
Kaynak: WSUS Team Blog
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Client side targeting in WSUS
You can use AD Group policies to assign computers to a group used by WSUS. This will provide you more flexibility and configurability with your WSUS infrastructure by targeting.
To do this, open browse to Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesWindows ComponentsWindows Update in your policy, and open Enable Client-side targeting, select Enabled and define a name for the Target group, for computers apply this policy.
To do this, open browse to Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesWindows ComponentsWindows Update in your policy, and open Enable Client-side targeting, select Enabled and define a name for the Target group, for computers apply this policy.
WSUS - Client-side targeting aktif etme
Group Policy leri kullanarak istemcilerinizin WSUS da olusturdugunuz gruplara kendilerini eklemeleriniz saglayabilirsiniz. Boylece istemcilerinizi otomatik guncellemeler icin WSUS sunucunuza yonlendirdiginizde, gruplari elle kontrol etmenize de gerek kalmayacaktir, ve sizin gruplara atadiginiz guncellemeleri alabileceklerdir.
Bu konfigurasyonu gerceklestirmek icin once Group Policy Object Editor u calistiriniz.
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update kismina gidiniz, bu lokasyonu zaten WSUS kullanimini yine group policyler kullanarak yayiyorsaniz biliyorsunuzdur.
Simdi Enable Client-side targeting'i seciniz, Enabled secenegini secerek aktif ediniz ve "Target group name for this computer" kutusuna diledigini grup adini yaziniz, islemi onaylayiniz.
Bu konfigurasyonu gerceklestirmek icin once Group Policy Object Editor u calistiriniz.
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update kismina gidiniz, bu lokasyonu zaten WSUS kullanimini yine group policyler kullanarak yayiyorsaniz biliyorsunuzdur.
Simdi Enable Client-side targeting'i seciniz, Enabled secenegini secerek aktif ediniz ve "Target group name for this computer" kutusuna diledigini grup adini yaziniz, islemi onaylayiniz.
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