Monday, 17 January 2011

WDS Detayli Komut Satiri Parametreleri

/Get-AllDevices         Displays information on all pre-staged devices.
/Get-AllImageGroups     Displays information on all image groups.
/Get-AllImages          Displays information on all images.
/Get-AllServers         Displays information on all WDS servers.
/New-CaptureImage       Creates a WinPE image used for capturing OS images.
/New-DiscoverImage      Creates a WinPE image used for WDS server discovery.
/Add-Device             Adds a pre-staged device.
/Get-Device             Displays attributes of an existing device.
/Set-Device             Changes attributes of an existing device.
/Add-Image              Adds boot or install images.
/Copy-Image             Copies an image within the image store.
/Export-Image           Exports an image from the image store to a WIM file.
/Get-Image              Displays the attributes of an existing image.
/Remove-Image           Removes a boot or install image.
/Replace-Image          Replaces a boot or install image with a new version.
/Set-Image              Changes the attributes of an existing image.
/Get-ImageFile          Displays information on images in a WIM file.
/Add-ImageGroup         Adds an image group.
/Get-ImageGroup         Displays information on an image group.
/Remove-ImageGroup      Removes an image group.
/Set-ImageGroup         Changes the attributes of an existing image group.
/Approve-AutoAddDevices Approves pending auto-add devices of server.
/Reject-AutoAddDevices  Rejects pending auto-add devices of server.
/Get-AutoAddDevices     Displays auto-add devices on server.
/Delete-AutoAddDevices  Deletes devices in the auto-add device database.
/Convert-RiPrepImage    Converts an existing RIS RIPrep image to a WIM file.
/Disable-Server         Disables all WDS services on a server.
/Enable-Server          Enables all WDS services on a server.
/Get-Server             Displays information on a WDS Server.
/Initialize-Server      Configures a WDS server for initial use.
/Set-Server             Configures settings of a WDS server.
/Start-Server           Starts all WDS services on a server.
/Stop-Server            Stops all WDS services on a server.
/Uninitialize-Server    Reverts changes made during server initialization.
/Update-ServerFiles     Updates server files on the REMINST share.

To get help for specific command use:
     WdsUtil command /?

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