You can also change the retention period for approved computers record by running WDSUTIL /Set-Server /AutoAddPolicy /RetentionPeriod /Approved:Days command. (
To change the length of time approved computers are held in the Auto-Add database to 7 days.
WDSUTIL /Set-Server /AutoAddPolicy /RetentionPeriod /Approved:7
If you wan't to manually purge approved computers in Auto-Add database you can run wdsutil /delete-AutoAddDevices /DeviceType:ApprovedDevices command, or to delete all (approved, pending, rejected) you can visit this URL (
But this process doesn't clear computer's RemoteInstall/NetBootGUID property from Active Directory, so you might need to clear this value in AD.
Clear prestaging data in AD
If you also need to clear RemoteInstall GUID property from all prestaged machines in AD as WDSUtil only clears it's own Auto-Add database, you can use powershell commands below to do that.
- To see a computer's NetbootGUID
Get-ADComputer -Identity ComputerName -Properties NetbootGuid
- To clear a computer's NetbootGUID
Set-ADComputer -Identity ComputerName -clear NetbootGUID
- To list all computers have NetboodGUID value
Get-ADComputer -Filter {NetbootGUID -like "*"} -Properties NetbootGUID
- To list all computers have NetboodGUID value by formatted output
Get-ADComputer -Filter {NetbootGUID -like "*"} -Properties NetbootGUID,created | Format-List -Property name,distinguishedName,created,NetbootGUID
- To list all computers older than a week and have NetboodGUID value by formatted output
Get-ADComputer -Filter {NetbootGUID -like "*"} -Properties NetbootGUID,Created | ? {$_.Created -le ((get-date).addDays(-7))} | Format-List -Property name,distinguishedName,created,NetbootGUID
- To clear NetbootGUID from all computers older than a week and have NetbootGUID value
Get-ADComputer -Filter {NetbootGUID -like "*"} -Properties name,NetbootGUID,Created | ? {$_.Created -le ((get-date).addDays(-7))} | Set-ADComputer -clear NetbootGUID
- To clear NetbootGUID from all computers older than a week and have NetbootGUID value (Shorter : we only need Created property for date equation)
Get-ADComputer -Filter {NetbootGUID -like "*"} -Properties Created | ? {$_.Created -le ((get-date).addDays(-7))} | Set-ADComputer -clear NetbootGUID
To get more detail about
Set-ADComputer :
Get-ADComputer :
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