Thursday, 22 March 2012

WSUS 3.0 SP2 Kurulum Hata Kodlari

Return Code Return String Meaning
0x001450SUS_LAUNCH_ERRORSetup conditions are not satisfied.
0x001451SUS_UNKNOWN_ERRORUnknown error.
0x001452SUS_REBOOT_REQUIREDReboot is required to complete the installation. This error most commonly occurs when installing Windows® Internal Database.
0x001453SUS_INVALID_COMMANDLINEInvalid command line entry.
0x001454SUS_LOWSQLVERSIONInvalid SQL Server version. WSUS supports only computers running at least SQL Server 2005 SP2.
0x001455SUS_TRIGGERSNOTSETTriggers are not set in SQL Server. For instructions about how to enable nested triggers, see How to: Configure the nested triggers Option (SQL Server Management Studio).
0x001456SUS_INVALIDPATHInvalid content path is specified.
0x001457SUS_NETWORKPATHSpecified content path is a network path.
0x001458SUS_NONNTFS_PATHSpecified content path is not NTFS.
0x001459SUS_NONFIXEDDRIVESpecified content path is not on a fixed drive.
0x00145aSUS_NONTFS_DRIVES_PRESENTNo NTFS drives exist on the system.
0x00145bSUS_INSUFFICIENT_SPACENot enough space is available at the given path. At least 6 GB of space is required.
0x00145cSUS_NEED_SERVER_AND_PORTBoth server name and port are required for replica mode.
0x00145dSUS_MSCOM_SERVERSpecified server name ends in
0x001460SUS_ERROR_PREREQCHECK_FAILPrerequisite check failed.
0x001461SUS_LOWDBSCHEMAUPGRADE_VERSIONThis database schema is too old to be upgraded.
0x001462SUS_UPGRADE_REQUIREDWSUS Setup must upgrade. Use the /G parameter to avoid this error.

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