Friday, 17 January 2014

VMWare'de sistem uyarı tonlarını iptal etmek.

VMWare'de sistem uyarı tonlarını iptal etmek.
Eğer sesli sistem uyarı tonunu belirli bir sanal makine için iptal etmek istiyorsanız.

VM'e ait .vmx dosyasına aşağıdaki satırı notepad aracılığı ile ekleyip kaydedin sanal makine kapalı iken.
mks.noBeep = "TRUE"

Eğer bunu tüm sanal makineler için gerçekleştirmek istiyorsanız aynı ekleme işlemini global konfigürasyon dosyaı olan config / config.ini üzerinde yapmalısınız.

Benim sunucumda C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation altında idi.

Eğer dosya yoksa yaratmanız da mümkün.


How to disable VMWare PC Speaker System Beeps

How to disable VMWare PC Speaker System Beeps
Annoying isn't it.

So if you want to disable / turn off VMWare PC speaker system beeps for a specific virtual machine

Edit the VM's .vmx file, add the line below and save it while machine is OFF.
mks.noBeep = "TRUE"

If you want to disable it for all VMs you need to add same line to global configuration file  called config / config.ini.

In my case it was located under C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation.

You can also create one if it doesn't exist.



Thursday, 16 January 2014

SCCM Failed to create task sequence media errors

I'd like to share some errors and their solutions those worked for me during creating task sequence media in SCCM.

Error 1: Error creating media. Error message is : The hash value is not correct. 0x8(Hash could not be matched for the downloaded content. ) Please refer to CreateTsMedia.log to get details.

Open CreateTsMedia.log file (<ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\AdminUILog\AdminUILog)

The error in my case was:

Staging package CAM0011D
Before executing state - fsVolumeSpaceRemaining= 6844 Mb
Staging package CAM0011D
Hash could not be matched for the downloaded content. Original ContentHash = 37EF10E36133D3F00B3A18D36AAC6ED36F38DBC3, Downloaded ContentHash = F641FD184FA74E192FBED1F72B4CD19FA3683216
Failed to stage package CAM0011D (0x80091007)
Failed to create media (0x80091007)
CreateTsMedia failed with error 0x80091007, details="CAM0011D"

To fix: Select the Task Sequence you are about the create Task Sequence Media, then click references in the tabs below and locate the package mentioned in logs, it was CAM0011D in my case. Then refresh the package on failing DP, if it won't help you can delete the PCK from the DP and refresh it again to send it again. Or you can directly update the package (Update Distribution Points) and try again when new source version installed to DPs.


Error 2: Error creating media. Error message is : The hash value is not correct. 0x80091007 (Hash could not be matched for the downloaded content. ) Please refer to CreateTsMedia.log to get details.

Open CreateTsMedia.log file (<ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\AdminUILog\AdminUILog)

The error in my case was:

Finished adding client config policies and policy assignments
Setting up Install Toolkit
Hash could not be matched for the downloded content. Original ContentHash = C..., Downloaded ContentHash = 5...
Failed to create media generator (0x80091007) 
CreateTsMedia failed with error 0x80091007, details=""

To fix: The problem of this error is lack of details. Because it doesn't say which package caused the problem as the Error1 above. What I found is from the temporary working folder is it generates this error just after retrieving the boot image associated to Task Sequence. So refreshing boot image (actually I had to remove it and add the DP again because of another problem.) is helps as in Fix1 above.



Error 3: Failed to create media

This time the error in my case was:

Beginning media generation
Failed to find the volume for system partition, it might be drive letterless
Marking partitions active is only supported for MBR disks.
Unable to activate partition (0x80004001)
Error formatting volume G:\ (0x80004001)
Failed to create media (0x80004001)
CreateTsMedia failed with error 0x80004001, details=""

To fix: We need to re-partition the USB media and be sure it has marked as active. I used diskpart to do that. Steps are below.

Run diskpart with administrative rights

list disk (find your USB disk number)
select disk 2 (2 here is the number of the USB disk listed in list disk command)
WARNING: The next command (clean) will wipe the disk you have just selected above.
Please be sure you have selected the correct disk.
clean (to clean partitions)
create partition primary size=16384 (to create a 16GB primary partition)
list par (to list partitions in the selected disk)
select partition 1 (select the partition you have just created, there should be only one)
active (mark the partition as active)
assign letter=G (any avail. letter)
format fs=ntfs quick label=”TSMedia” (format the partition quickly with NTFS and naming (label is up to you))
exit (done)




Now you can try to create your USB media again.

Hope it helps or gives an idea.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Haber: SCCM 2012 SQL Server Views dokümantasyonu yayınlandı.

SCCM ürün takımı SCCM 2012 için SQL Server Views dokümantasyonunu yayınladı.

Yeni dokümantasyonu aşağıdaki TechNet adresinde bulabilirsiniz.

Creating Custom Reports by Using SQL Server Views in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

Dokümantasyon genel olarak üç ana bölüme ayrılmış:


News: SQL Server Views documentation for SCCM 2012

SCCM Team has announced the SQL Server Views documentation for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager is now available.

You will find the new documentation on TechNet at the following URL:

Creating Custom Reports by Using SQL Server Views in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

This documentation is split into three sections:

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Failed to validate delegation token. Reason: InvalidExpired

When you test the Federation Trust that you have created between your On-Premise Exchange environment and the Microsoft Federated Gateway the Token Validation fails with the message 'Failed to validate delegation token' run the same command with the -Verbose switch to see detailed information on the error.


If the reason is appears is InvalidExpired this can be due to a time difference problem between your server and MS Federated Gateway service.

So you will need to configure an authoritative time server on your side. The MS article How to configure an authoritative time server in Windows Server  provides detailed information about configuring NTP , you can use the manual steps to accomplish it or use Fix It utilities provided. You can run the following command to set the time service to synchronise with an external time service.

  • w32tm /config / /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes /update

  • net stop w32time

  • net start w32time

After restarting the time service ensure that the system is synchronising the time with the source set in the above step successfully.


Re-run the Test-FederationTrust command. This time the delegation token should be displayed as valid.




Monday, 6 January 2014

Test-FederationTrust couldn't find object extest

When you run Test-FederationTrust cmdlet; it fails with the error 'Couldn't find object "extest_<random number>". Please make sure that it was spelled correctly or specify a different object'.


The reason for this is because the 'extest_<random number>' user object that the system is trying to run the cmdlet with, does not exist in Active Directory. To skip this error message Run the Test-FederationTrust cmdlet as follows:

  • Test-FederationTrust -USerIdentity "Existing User Alias"


How to Turn OFF the Reading Pane for OWA in Office 365

To turn off the reading pane in office 365 for OWA, follow the following steps.

1. When logged onto OWA click Options and select Display Settings as shown in the Figure below.


2. In the Display Settings window select 'Hide Reading Pane' under Layout. Also tick the checkbox next to 'Apply to All Folders' and then click OK.



First Time and Subsequent User Experience with Multi-factor Authentication via Mobile Phone

In a previous article I mentioned about ‘How to Setup Azure Multi-Factor Authentication.

1. After the user has successful provided the correct password during log on through the Office 365 portal page, the following message will be displayed. 'Your admin has required that you set up this account for additional security verification.'

In this article I will continue where I left off.  After a user has been enabled for multi-factor authentication, the steps that outline the user's experience are as follows:

User will need to click the 'Set it up now' button, as shown in below Figure. Remember, this is option is only configured during the first time access however can be changed afterwards by the administrator as required.



2. After the user has clicked Set it up now, the option to have the Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Service call a phone number or text a code to a mobile phone will appear. In this window the user can select the phone numbers that the service will use.



3. After specifying the contact method the user is required to sign in with the password. To complete the Additional Security Verification click on verify to receive the 6 digit security code.



4. Then enter the 6 digit code sent to your mobile phone and Verify. Click Next after successful verification.



5. Complete Additional Security Verification process by following the steps below.



6. Click on Generate App password



If call a phone number is chosen as opposed to text a code to a mobile phone; the Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Service will call the phone number.  In this scenario the user is required to answer the call and, should hear the following message: "Thank you for using the Microsoft verification system. Press the pound key to finish verifying your account." The user should press the pound (#) key on the phone. The following message will be heard: "Your account has been verified. Goodbye." The user will be notified on success.

If the user is not able to do this, he/she will receive a verification failure dialog box, but will have the option to click the 'Retry' button.


How to Setup Azure Multi-Factor Authentication

How to Setup Azure Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication helps safeguard access to your data and applications. Before access is granted users must authenticate by using a mobile app or by responding to an automated text message or phone call.

To set up Azure Multi-Factor Authentication, follow the following steps:

1. Sign in to the Office 365 Admin Centre with your organisational account. Select users and groups, and then click Set up for Set Multi-factor authentication requirements, as shown in below Figure.


2. On the multi-factor authentication page, you can select the types of users using the drop-down box, and then select the box of the user that you want to configure for multi-factor authentication.smfa2

Just so you know; multi-factor authentication can be activated for free administrators and for a specified fee for regular users. At the time of writing this document the pricing was as follows.

  • Pay-as-you-go Plan

    • Per User - £1.28/month (unlimited authentication)

    • Per Authentication - £1.28/10 authentications

  • 6 or 12-month Plans

    • Per User - £0.87 - £1.02/month (unlimited authentication)

    • Per Authentication - £0.87 - £1.02/10 authentications

You can receive discount of 20-32% when you make a monthly commitment to Windows Azure for 6 or 12 months. Information on the pricing can be found from the following link.

3. Let’s carry on with the configuration. When you select a user, you can see the user's name and two other items under quick steps on the right pane. Click Enable in the action items.


 4. On the Enable multi-factor authentication page, click enable multi-factor auth.


5. When the activation for the selected user(s) is done, a dialog box will inform that the updates are successful, as shown in below Figure. Multi-factor authentication is now enabled for the selected account(s). Click close.


There you go. You have successfully enabled Windows Azure Multi-factor Authentication.

In my next article I will show the First Time and Subsequent User Experience with Multi-factor Authentication with Mobile Phone and Mobile App.



Thursday, 2 January 2014

Error in proxy URL. Must be HTTP error in Ubuntu

export "http_proxy=user:pass@"

I have also tried different combinations by playing quote marks and etc. Then I found out the correct syntax should be like below, the key here is the http:// before username as we use is to pass user/pass while opening URLs in browsers;
export http_proxy="http://domain\\user:password@"

if you want to make it permanent you can add that line to your etc\environment file. You can also check environment variables by running the export command directly or running export | grep "proxy" command to filter values with "proxy