Thursday, 16 January 2014

SCCM Failed to create task sequence media errors

I'd like to share some errors and their solutions those worked for me during creating task sequence media in SCCM.

Error 1: Error creating media. Error message is : The hash value is not correct. 0x8(Hash could not be matched for the downloaded content. ) Please refer to CreateTsMedia.log to get details.

Open CreateTsMedia.log file (<ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\AdminUILog\AdminUILog)

The error in my case was:

Staging package CAM0011D
Before executing state - fsVolumeSpaceRemaining= 6844 Mb
Staging package CAM0011D
Hash could not be matched for the downloaded content. Original ContentHash = 37EF10E36133D3F00B3A18D36AAC6ED36F38DBC3, Downloaded ContentHash = F641FD184FA74E192FBED1F72B4CD19FA3683216
Failed to stage package CAM0011D (0x80091007)
Failed to create media (0x80091007)
CreateTsMedia failed with error 0x80091007, details="CAM0011D"

To fix: Select the Task Sequence you are about the create Task Sequence Media, then click references in the tabs below and locate the package mentioned in logs, it was CAM0011D in my case. Then refresh the package on failing DP, if it won't help you can delete the PCK from the DP and refresh it again to send it again. Or you can directly update the package (Update Distribution Points) and try again when new source version installed to DPs.


Error 2: Error creating media. Error message is : The hash value is not correct. 0x80091007 (Hash could not be matched for the downloaded content. ) Please refer to CreateTsMedia.log to get details.

Open CreateTsMedia.log file (<ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\AdminUILog\AdminUILog)

The error in my case was:

Finished adding client config policies and policy assignments
Setting up Install Toolkit
Hash could not be matched for the downloded content. Original ContentHash = C..., Downloaded ContentHash = 5...
Failed to create media generator (0x80091007) 
CreateTsMedia failed with error 0x80091007, details=""

To fix: The problem of this error is lack of details. Because it doesn't say which package caused the problem as the Error1 above. What I found is from the temporary working folder is it generates this error just after retrieving the boot image associated to Task Sequence. So refreshing boot image (actually I had to remove it and add the DP again because of another problem.) is helps as in Fix1 above.



Error 3: Failed to create media

This time the error in my case was:

Beginning media generation
Failed to find the volume for system partition, it might be drive letterless
Marking partitions active is only supported for MBR disks.
Unable to activate partition (0x80004001)
Error formatting volume G:\ (0x80004001)
Failed to create media (0x80004001)
CreateTsMedia failed with error 0x80004001, details=""

To fix: We need to re-partition the USB media and be sure it has marked as active. I used diskpart to do that. Steps are below.

Run diskpart with administrative rights

list disk (find your USB disk number)
select disk 2 (2 here is the number of the USB disk listed in list disk command)
WARNING: The next command (clean) will wipe the disk you have just selected above.
Please be sure you have selected the correct disk.
clean (to clean partitions)
create partition primary size=16384 (to create a 16GB primary partition)
list par (to list partitions in the selected disk)
select partition 1 (select the partition you have just created, there should be only one)
active (mark the partition as active)
assign letter=G (any avail. letter)
format fs=ntfs quick label=”TSMedia” (format the partition quickly with NTFS and naming (label is up to you))
exit (done)




Now you can try to create your USB media again.

Hope it helps or gives an idea.

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